Almost Retired, Then You’re Fired: Workplace Discrimination

Labor & Employment Law

Almost Retired, Then You’re Fired

Working hard in your career and saving toward your pension for a restful and well-deserved retirement is considered the “norm”. For some, this is not always how things go and understanding exactly what your legal rights are is crucial to protecting your finances and professional reputation. For those nearing retirement, we understand that losing your job can be especially devastating to your plans and your family’s security. Verhaeghe Law Office in Edmonton, AB is experienced in, and passionate about fighting for the exact retirement and pension funds you were promised.

Sadly, we all know that ageism isn’t the only form of discrimination when it comes to labor and employment. Whether you’re facing illegitimate firing due to sexual orientation, race or gender discrimination, false performance claims or any other situation: Verhaeghe Law Office can help.

Canadian Human Rights Act

Know The Law: It Can Save Your Pension, Career & Reputation

The Canadian Human Rights Act was established in 1977 to protect our citizens from discrimination in the workplace. If you have any questions about this Act, how it protects you and what it entitles you to legally, never hesitate to call us (587) 410-2500. Below you will find some general and helpful information about what the Canadian Human Rights Act protects against.

If you believe you have been let go, denied employment, raises or other workplace opportunities and benefits for any of the listed reasons below, it is important you contact a lawyer immediately.

  • Race
  • Age
  • National Or Ethnic Origin
  • Colour
  • Religion
  • Sex (including Pregnancy And Childbirth)
  • Sexual Orientation
  • Marital Status
  • Family Status
  • Mental Or Physical Disability (including Previous Or Present Drug Or Alcohol Dependence)
  • Pardoned Conviction

Understand How Employers Can Legally Defend Themselves

Your first line of defense in any legal battle is being thorough and organized. Whenever you are joining a company, be sure to read through all of the documentation carefully, know the company policies in and out, and be sure to keep copies of anything you sign. If any rules, policies or clauses in a company handbook, or other documentation, make you uncomfortable, speak with your hiring manager about it right away. It is better to understand a policy than quietly fear it, or worse - potentially lose your job over it.

The Employer Is Protected If They Can Prove...

  • The employment policy, practice or rule can be rationally connected to the job duties.
  • The employment policy, practice or rule was created in an official capacity by the employer via a true and proven effort to fulfill the job requirements.
  • The employment policy, practice or rule can be proven as the least discriminatory option for completing the mission or intention related to the job.

Learn More About Labor & Employment Law

If an employer discriminates against you, the Verhaeghe Law Office can help protect your income, career and future retirement. We will compassionately and tirelessly listen to your case and help you fight for everything you deserve. For more information about how Verhaeghe Law Office can protect your rights in the workplace, please contact us by calling at (587) 410-2500.