Verhaeghe Law Office is pleased to see the Province of Alberta slowly reopening after months of lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As of June 12, 2020 – gyms, arenas, spas, movie theatres, libraries, pools and sports activities have re-opened and resumed operations in Alberta. People are also allowed to book campsites and sit in restaurants at the same time which has been welcomed by Albertans after months of lockdown. The quota on mass gatherings has also been amended to include a maximum of 50 for indoor gatherings and up to 100 people can congregate outside. So far – Alberta is aiming to have students back in school this September with strict measures in place to protect the health and safety of students and staff. But how are the Alberta courts doing with their resumption plans? The Province of Alberta has prepared a COVID-19 Staged Resumption of Court Operations – Part 1 which can be found here. We’ve also taken the liberty to summarize what court operations look like as of today’s date. For more up to date information please visit the Alberta Courts website.
Access to Provincial Court Houses
Access to provincial court houses in Alberta is currently restricted to individuals required for proceedings before the Court including counsel, litigants, accused, witnesses, support workers and members of the media. There are strict public health guidelines and social distancing protocols in place to ensure the safety and health of all those who attend court. The number of people permitted inside the court will also follow public health and safety guidelines until further notice.
Family Law Proceedings in Edmonton and surrounding areas
Child protection and family law docket courts will be held remotely through virtual technology such as tele conferencing or video conferencing and in some cases – personal attendance may be required and allowed. Child protection hearings will be heard on a case-by-case basis. Family law trials scheduled between May 25th and July 3rd will proceed for parties and their lawyers along with witnesses if required. Emergency protection orders will continue to be heard at court locations during regular court hours. Furthermore, EPO applications may be made by telecommunication in accordance with EPO Telephone Applications (COVID-10 Protocol).
Contact Verhaeghe Law Office For Your Family Law Court Proceedings
Our divorce and family lawyers have been busy assisting Albertans with their divorce proceedings even during COVID-19. Contact our law firm today if you need legal assistance by dialing 587-410-2500 for a consultation with a member of our family law team. You can schedule a consultation by calling us, live chatting with us, emailing us or by filling out an online consultation form. With officers in Edmonton, Whitecourt and Athabasca – we are proud to be able to serve clients across the Greater Edmonton Area.
Disclaimer: Please note the content presented in this article is intended to act as a general overview on a legal topic during the month of June 2020 and in no way is it considered legal advice. For independent legal advice please consult with a lawyer regarding your unique situation.