An Overview of Premises Liability in Edmonton

An Overview of Premises Liability in Edmonton

Owners and occupiers of property in Edmonton are responsible for maintaining the conditions of their space to a reasonable standard of safety. This responsibility is outlined in the Occupiers’ Liability Act, and it may apply to private and public premises alike.

Unsafe conditions, ranging from unmarked spills at a grocery store to faulty stairs or broken floorboards in a private home, can cause potentially life-altering injuries. There may be financial compensation available to help injured accident survivors through a premises liability claim.

If you or someone you love have been injured in a slip and fall or other form of accident on somebody else’s property, our Edmonton personal injury lawyers are here to talk. Contact us today to schedule your initial consultation. 

Duty of Care In Premises Liability

Under the Occupiers’ Liability Act of Alberta, the occupier of a premises (a person who owns and/or has control over the conditions of a property) owes every visitor to their premises a duty of care. This duty of care involves a responsibility to maintain the property such that visitors may expect to to be reasonably safe so long as they are using the property for its intended purpose. 

Common duty of care may apply in relation to the following:

  • The conditions of the premises
  • Activities on the premises
  • The conduct of third parties on the premises

If an occupier of a premises has failed to meet the requirements of their duty of care before visitors, and that failure has caused injuries to a visitor, the occupier may be liable for the resulting damages. 

Every case is different. To learn what may be relevant in your particular circumstances, contact our Edmonton personal injury lawyers today and schedule your initial consultation.

Common Causes of Premises Liability Accidents in Edmonton

The conditions of a property may be unsafe for many different reasons. From physical hazards such as broken or uneven flooring to dangerous action or inaction, an owner or occupier of a property is responsible for a range of reasonable precautions.

Some of the most common causes of personal injury accidents involving unsafe premises in Edmonton include:

  • Wet floors
  • Uneven pavement
  • Unmaintained sidewalks (potentially building up ice and snow)
  • Lack of safety measures at construction sites
  • Dog attacks
  • Lack of reasonable security measures in large gatherings
  • Unsafe swimming pool construction and/or usage
  • And more

The Consequences of A Personal Injury On Someone Else’s Premises

The consequences of an injury on somebody else’s premises can be devastating, and can range in intensity from bruising, cuts and lacerations to life-altering conditions such as partial or full paralysis. Depending on the situation, an injured accident survivor may no longer be able to perform their regular work. They may indeed no longer be able to continue working in their profession.

In addition to the physical consequences of a personal injury, a significant financial burden may arise for the injured person and their family. In order to stabilize and/or recover, the injuries may require the assistance of medical treatments, rehabilitative therapy, psychological care, attendant care, and more. These treatments and assistive measures may come with substantial costs, thus placing the injured accident survivor into financial stress.

If the negligent actions or inactions of another person have caused you to sustain significant injuries, you may be eligible for compensation through a premises liability claim in Edmonton. Contact our team at Verhaeghe Law and schedule your consultation with our Edmonton personal injury lawyers today.

Contact Our Edmonton Personal Injury Lawyers Today For a Consultation

If you or someone you love have been injured on someone else’s property, there may be financial compensation available. These funds may be invaluable in providing support towards medical bills, rehabilitative care, income lost as a result of the injury, and more.

At Verhaeghe Law, our Edmonton personal injury lawyers are committed to providing dedicated service tailored to each of our clients’ unique needs. Contact us today to schedule your initial consultation, and learn how we may be of service to you.

** Please note, this article is intended as a general overview on the subject of premises liability and personal injury law, and is not intended to be legal advice. If you are seeking legal advice, please consult with an Alberta personal injury lawyer.

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